We develop customized research tools. From online questionnaires and surveys to data conversion and analysis.

Our tools are there to support your organization in conducting research and to allow your participants to participate in an accessible way.

  • Volg je Sportakkoord

    Volg je Sportakkoord

    Een landelijke tool waarmee gemeentes hun Sportakkoorden opvolgen.

  • Youth Euregional Scan

    Youth Euregional Scan

    Een online onderzoekstool met vragenlijsten voor jongeren in de Euregio.

  • Academie Verloskunde - VeCaS

    Academie Verloskunde – VeCaS

    Big data, voor big research.

To get the most out of your research tool, we work according to three simple principles:

Simplicity is golden

Our research tools are straightforward. We make complex processes as communicatively simple as possible. In our view, simplicity is no nonsense: Understanding at a glance what it does.

True customization

Whether you’re looking for online questionnaire software that you can use to evaluate continuously, or very specific tools that fit into a one-time survey. We design research software that makes you happy. True customization. And that starts with good measuring. When we understand exactly how your research will work, we can best serve you.

Everything streamlined

You get the most out of your software if you automate as much as possible. Therefore, we try to support you in all steps of your research. From inviting participants (e.g., generating unique codes, sending mailings, etc.) to data analysis afterwards. We provide one total solution, and arrange exports and imports to other tools you want to use, such as SPSS.


We do not have a standard research tool, because (almost) every research project is different. What we do have is a whole collection of modules that we can tailor and deploy exactly for you. We have experience with:

  • Inviting participants from multiple countries, by email or by mail. With security such as scratch cards with unique codes.
  • Offer online questionnaires in all shapes and sizes, with multilingualism.
  • Combining various data files into one valuable database.
  • Export valuable, structured, data to software such as SPSS.

For whom? For you.

At eyetractive, ease of use is number one. Both for you and for your participants. So our tools are always fast, stable, secure and easy to use.

We develop web applications for start-ups, SMEs and organizations with more than a thousand people and a solid set of requirements. For SMEs, government and non-profits.

We work from Limburg, for all of the Netherlands & Euregionally.

  • Dutch Mountain Film Festival
  • CineSud
  • Sportkracht12
  • BAM
  • Omgevingsdienst Nederland
  • AFTC
  • Provincie Limburg
  • GGD Zuid Limburg
  • Tilburg University
  • ODS Vitaal
  • Provincie Vlaams Brabant
  • Primera
  • Lybrae
  • Maastricht UMC+
  • Maastricht University
  • euPrevent
  • Huis voor de Sport Limburg
  • Burgerkracht Limburg
  • Laudy Bouw
  • Gemeente Maastricht
  • Nationale Vereniging van Podotherapeuten
  • Academie Verloskunde Amsterdam Groningen

The right approach

To make sure your research tool works optimally, we work in four sprints.

The right tool, for the right job

With Wink, we realize beautiful applications for you. Wink is a lightning-fast, secure and stable platform in the cloud that allows us to develop the most complex processes cost-effectively.

Let’s get the ball rolling.

Jan is happy to think with you about how to make your research as good and easy as possible.